A-attached or single: Attached thank Heavens!
B-best friends: Nate, He is my Life; Abby, my sounding board; Kelly, My entire history; Shannon, probably the funnest person I know; Heather, Kathryn, Kirsten Girls night rocks!
C-cake or pie: Cake. Hold the frosting please.
D-day of choice: Saturday. I get to sleep in, see my husband, no school for the kids, I look forward to it all week.
E-essential item(s): Nate, Nate, Nate. Right now three pillows to sleep with, toothpaste, one Pepsi a day, my cell phone.
F-favorite color: Green. I would only dress in green and my entire house would be green if I could get away with it. It makes me happy
G-gummy worms or bears: Bears
H-hometown: Springville, UT
I-indulgence: Pedicures and Massages
J-January or July: July. I am ready for summer! Plus this July I will have my baby here.
K-kids: 2 1/2. I am the luckiest!
L-life is incomplete without: My Family and vacations.
M-marriage date: June 2. 2000
N- number of siblings: I like Abby's answer... I started with 3 sisters and 2 brothers and now I have13!
O-oranges or apples: Oranges.
P-phobias or fears: Jumping off of things.
Q-quotes: Live like the person you want to become.
R-reason to smile: Snuggle-buggles in the morning with my girls, feeling my baby move, Nates arms, painted toes
S-season: All of them! By the end of one, I am redy for the next!
T-tag friends: Can you tag people that don't have blogs?
U-unknown fact about me: I really like the smell of skunk..
V-very favorite store: Gap, Urban Outfitters, and Nordstrom. Oh and Target!
W-worst habit: I am so very disorganized!
X-x-ray, ultrasound, or mammogram: Ultra-sound! I get one every time I go into the doctor and I have had 2 of the 4-D ones! I have seen my baby's handsome face and his profile! I am trying to figure out hoe to download it.
Y-your favorite food: Homegrown stuff...tomatoes, cucmbers, asparagas. A really good pasta. Mom's almost anything, Debbie's suvloki, and Grandma Schultz' rolls.
Z-Zodiac:I am a Leo. Strong but Crazy....I think it fits.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Posted by The Schultz Family at 10:52 AM 4 comments
Happy Easter

Posted by The Schultz Family at 9:22 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Posted by The Schultz Family at 10:15 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
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