Monday, March 31, 2008

A-attached or single: Attached thank Heavens!
B-best friends: Nate, He is my Life; Abby, my sounding board; Kelly, My entire history; Shannon, probably the funnest person I know; Heather, Kathryn, Kirsten Girls night rocks!
C-cake or pie: Cake. Hold the frosting please.
D-day of choice: Saturday. I get to sleep in, see my husband, no school for the kids, I look forward to it all week.
E-essential item(s): Nate, Nate, Nate. Right now three pillows to sleep with, toothpaste, one Pepsi a day, my cell phone.
F-favorite color: Green. I would only dress in green and my entire house would be green if I could get away with it. It makes me happy
G-gummy worms or bears: Bears
H-hometown: Springville, UT
I-indulgence: Pedicures and Massages
J-January or July: July. I am ready for summer! Plus this July I will have my baby here.
K-kids: 2 1/2. I am the luckiest!
L-life is incomplete without: My Family and vacations.
M-marriage date: June 2. 2000
N- number of siblings: I like Abby's answer... I started with 3 sisters and 2 brothers and now I have13!
O-oranges or apples: Oranges.
P-phobias or fears: Jumping off of things.
Q-quotes: Live like the person you want to become.
R-reason to smile: Snuggle-buggles in the morning with my girls, feeling my baby move, Nates arms, painted toes
S-season: All of them! By the end of one, I am redy for the next!
T-tag friends: Can you tag people that don't have blogs?
U-unknown fact about me: I really like the smell of skunk..
V-very favorite store: Gap, Urban Outfitters, and Nordstrom. Oh and Target!
W-worst habit: I am so very disorganized!
X-x-ray, ultrasound, or mammogram: Ultra-sound! I get one every time I go into the doctor and I have had 2 of the 4-D ones! I have seen my baby's handsome face and his profile! I am trying to figure out hoe to download it.
Y-your favorite food: Homegrown stuff...tomatoes, cucmbers, asparagas. A really good pasta. Mom's almost anything, Debbie's suvloki, and Grandma Schultz' rolls.
Z-Zodiac:I am a Leo. Strong but Crazy....I think it fits.

Happy Easter

We had such a fun Easter. We got woken up Saturday morning by our little Molly who was wondering if the Easter Bunny had brought her and Leah's baskets. (The Easter Bunny comes to our house on Saturday so that we can focus on what Easter is really all about on Sunday. We can't take credit for this idea, we stole it from Zak and Abby.) Anyway, Molly went and woke Leah up and then they walked aroud the house holding hands trying to help each other find their baskets. They were really excited because they were big enough this year for their baskets to be hidden. So Leah found Molly's (in the closet) and Molly found Leah's (behind the tree) and then it was a free for all. Sooo Fun!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The Girls
they love each other best.
(Isn't that the way it should be?)

The 3 things I love best...Molly
Nathan (I think he's my favorite)

Meet the Family

NATE/DADDYIf there is one thing that he loves,

it is his girls....
He would do anything for them ...
ride "it's a Small World 8,000 times....

Even face great white sharks.
We sure are lucky.

Here We Are!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Isn't he Fabulous?

Everyone else was busy...