I am trying to figure out how to change this ugly brown color....pe patient with me.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Alot can happen in a year
Once upon a time there was a girl. She was an average girl with a wonderful life. She was married to an amazing man who loved her very much (and who was really really hot!) and had three fabulous kids. She had a five year old girl, a four year old girl and a beautiful new two month old baby boy. She was so happy (and tired) but then her life got even better and crazier. She was home one day and just felt theurge to take another pregnacy test...this little family was going to have a new baby! She drove to her husband work and let him know the good (and slightly surprizing) news. As she and her husband (and thier 2 month old baby) sat in the car in silence, He told her not to worry because he was around a lot and that together they could handle it. Four days later they walked out of the Stake presidents office in the same shocked silence...he had just been called to be the second counselor in thier new bishopric.
You might be laughing right now because you know that this is a true story...it's my story...it's my favorite story because it is my life. This past year has been full of ups and downs-Molly in kindergarten, Nates Grandpa and my Grandma both passing away, Nate's Dad being diagnosed with cancer, our kids growing, and our biggest adventure continued with the birth of our sweet Sylvia...Sylvia Emily Schultz born June 7th and weighing in at 9 pounds 3 ounces! She was born 1 day after Leah's 5th birthday and 12 days before Henry's 1st birthday! She is a wonderful baby. She was slept through the night from her first night home from the hospital and hardly ever cries. Henry loves her, when he saw her it was like he was saying "where have you been? I missed you so much!" It was a wonderful reunion to watch.
I am making a goal to post more. no promises, but I will try.
Here are some pictures of the past year.
Posted by The Schultz Family at 3:04 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My little fish!
Leah is amazing!!! We had her in swimming lessons last year and she did really well, but this year WOW! She can swim the whole length of her Uncle Mikeys pool and will go off the diving board again and again. She will stop and fix her goggles and take "rests". I love this little person so much and I am so proud of her!
Posted by The Schultz Family at 10:31 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Stadium of Fire
What a night, What a night!!!!
Nate decided I needed a night out with my girls, so he stayed home with Henry and I took the Girls to the Stadium of Fire. My Dad got us tickets, and my whole family and some of Nates went. (We missed you Kelly and Mark and Mike and Melissa). It was an amazing night. Myley cyress was preforming and Glen Beck was hosting. I am a huge Glen Beck fan and He was speaking at a dinner before the show, so my dad invited me and my girls to go. I was able to meet him and I was ready to go but my dad kept putting it off. My mom was a little way away from us and all of a sudden started gesturing (sp) like crazy. I took Leah and my Dad took Molly.......and there she was!!! MYLEY CYRESS!!! She was three feet away from my girls and kept smiling at Leah. Then on the way out she passed right by Molly, shook her hand and said "how are you sweetheart?" Molly was speechless!!! It really was a dream come true for both of my girls and I could have gone home right then, I was so happy for them. Thanks Daddy for making two little girls dream come true!!!
Abby was one of the dancers that night and did fantastic!! There really was something for everyone that night. My favorite part of the show was Glen Beck, the dancers and the fireworks. But mostly I was just grateful to be an American. s
Posted by The Schultz Family at 12:57 PM 4 comments
Dance School
Molly is a DANCER!!! She thinks that we need to have one more boy in the family so everyone has someone to dance with. In the meantime she is teaching everyone to dance. Here is her latest student. He is a great sport and even threw in some moves of his own!
Posted by The Schultz Family at 12:15 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Art City Days
I know that this is from the second week in June, but I have been preoccupied.
For those of you who weren't lucky enough to grow up in Springville, Art City Days is thier city celebration and it is so FUN! We all go home to my parents house for it (even Kelly comes home from California) and we just play. The funnest part, in my opinion, is the last day of the celebration where they have the parade and fireworks. So this year Nate and I hauled my nine month pregnant self and our kids to the parade to look for Bompa and his gang, then we took the kids to the carnival where they went on rides and we all had yummy carny food. (it really was good) Then we walked down to the craftfair where I scored some stuff for Henry and the girls got prizes...Thank you Bompa. After that, we all congregated at my parents house and watched the fireworks. (you can see them from my parents front yard) It was a blast. Can't wait till next year.
Posted by The Schultz Family at 7:00 PM 1 comments