Molly just had her program at her school and it was fabulous. She sang and sang and sang. I can't believe she is going into kindergarten next year. I am excited for her, but my heart hurts a little bit. I like my kids just where they are. I like to have them around me and just watch them. I know they have to grow up, but it feels like just yesterday she and I were together in the hospital room just looking at each other while I sang her primary songs and I thanked my Heavenly Father for Him making me a mother. I just don't ever want to lose this feeling of wonderment that I have when I look at my children. I don't think it could be better than it is now. I am the luckiest girl in the world to get to be her and Leah's (and this little man that is coming) Mama. And to be their Daddy's wife.
Love the dresses that you have your girls in for the program! Do they come in Kelly size??? I could match! Great job Molly girl!
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