Nate trying to hurry labor along

Dialated to a nine and ready to go!

Leah and Henry

Molly and Henry
We are so excited for the latest addition to our family! Henry is such a good boy and sooo handsome! We went to the hospital and poor Nate has been so spoiled by my easy labors that he was trying to hurry along 6 hours of labor! I somehow got an extra dose of my epidural and was so stoned the entire time that I was just passed out sleeping during most of it. It really just felt like I was awake to do the work and the rest of the time just flew by. I have been having a really easy time since we came home and I am just completely overwhelmed by the love and support we are recieving. Henry is such a good baby (with the exception that he falls asleep every time he eats for more than 8 minutes) but he is mellow and sleeps and eats so well. We wanted him so much and he is so loved. His sisters love him so much, sometimes a little too much, but I am learning patience. I love to watch Henry and Nate together and to think of the future and what it brings. In the same breath though, I am holding on to every second of this with clenched fists. I don't want it to go by too fast. But again I am reminded I am the luckiest girl in the world.
He is so beautiful! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
Oh you guys make the cutest kids! I just love love you all so much....I cant wait to see what the next few years bring to your darling Family! Congrats!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS! He is so beautiful & he was born on our 10 year anniversary...a good day!!!
He is beautiful! I love the picute of you and Nate and the babe. Nates face is priceless. so proud of his new little buddy. Ill be over to love on him soon!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! he is so sweet and your girls look like such good big sisters! you look great! i hope you're doing well through these first few weeks! i am always amazed how they fly by.
ConGRATulations! That is so awesome for you guys! He is so adorable. And lucky for you to be asleep during the "long" labor. 6 hours? You ARE a lucky girl. :)
He is so precious! Congrats!
ahhhh, you have your Henry! He's beautiful. You have the perfect set. 2 girls and boy! You will love having a boy. Zeke already is a mama's boy. I love it!
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